
line coverage

Coverage metric whereby every source line is given a coverage percentage. EMMA derives line coverage from basic block coverage. The details of this computation are published elsewhere.

instrumentation run

A single invocation of the instr command line tool or the <instr> ANT task.

instrumentation set

A set of Java .class definitions that are included in an EMMA report. Note that this set is usually smaller than any set of files input into an EMMA tool because not all input classes are executable and users can do additional filtering.

class metadata

A set of binary Java class descriptors that record details of class structure like the number of methods in a class, their name and basic block structure. As long as the original classes are not recompiled, the same metadata can be used for any number of coverage profiling runs. See also Class coverage metadata..

coverage runtime data

A set of binary Java class descriptors that reflect a particular coverage profiling run (which method and basic blocks were hit for which class, etc). As long as they correspond to the same metadata, several such data sets can be merged together.

coverage session data

A combination of metadata and runtime coverage data, usually obtained during an on-the-fly application session or as a result of using <merge>/merge processor. When this combination is consistent (the runtime data corresponds to the classes in the metadata), it is sufficient for a coverage report to be produced.

mergeable option

See repeatable option.

repeatable option

An ANT task nested element or a command line option that could be used multiple times within a given tool invocation, with the resulting property value being a union of all provided inputs (with duplicates removed, if that makes sense for a given property). In most cases, an individual input value can also be a comma-separated list of values.