EMMA Reference Manual

Table of Contents

1. Installation and System Requirements
2. EMMA Tool Reference
1. Overview
2. <emmajava>/emmarun
2.1. Description
2.2. ANT usage
2.3. Command line usage
3. <instr>/instr
3.1. Description
3.2. ANT usage
3.3. Command line usage
4. <report>/report
4.1. Description
4.2. ANT usage
4.3. Command line usage
5. <merge>/merge
5.1. Description
5.2. ANT usage
5.3. Command line usage
6. Defining the instrumentation set
6.1. How EMMA determines which classes get instrumented
6.2. Coverage filters
7. Common ANT task and command line options
7.1. Common ANT task attributes and nested elements
7.2. common options
3. EMMA Property Reference
1. Specifying EMMA properties
2. EMMA property summary

List of Tables

2.1. EMMA ANT tasks and command line tools
2.2. <instr>/instr output mode summary
2.3. Common EMMA ANT task attributes
2.4. Common EMMA ANT task nested elements
3.1. EMMA file output properties
3.2. EMMA report generation properties
3.3. EMMA instrumentation properties
3.4. EMMA logging properties