Maven Emma plugin properties

maven.emma.redirectYes Indicates whether the and maven.test.dest (if maven.emma.instrument.tests=true) properties will be redirected to ${maven.emma.destdir}/classes while Emma is enabled. This will prevent accidental deployment of Emma-instrumented classes in a deliverable. This is accomplished by redefining and maven.test.dest to maven.emma.destdir.classes when emma:on is called, and setting them back to the original value when emma:off is called. true
maven.emma.destdirYes If maven.emma.redirect = true, then maven will compile all classes to ${maven.emma.destdir}/classes. If maven.emma.mode is not set to overwrite, this will be used by the instr task to indicate the location to store instrumented classes. If maven.emma.mode = overwrite (which is the default), the destdir property will be ignored by the instr task. true
maven.emma.modeYes The Emma instrumentation output mode. It is recommended that the default of "overwrite" be used, but it is exposed for maximum flexibility. If you override it, make sure that you understand how Maven, Emma, and this plugin work, and that you know what you are doing. overwrite
maven.emma.instrument.testsYes Decides whether to instrument test classes. false Decides whether an HTML report will be generated. true Determines location for the generated HTML output report. ${}/coverage/index.html Decides whether an XML report will be generated. false Determines location for the generated XML output report. ${}/coverage.xml Decides whether a Text report will be generated. false Determines location for the generated text output report. ${}/coverage.txt
maven.emma.working.dirYes Working directory to store files generated and/or instrumented by the Emma plugin. ${}/emma Directory in which instrumentation and coverage data files will be generated by Emma. ${maven.emma.working.dir}/data
maven.emma.metadata.out.fileYes Specifies the location of the Emma class instrumentation metadata file. ${}/coverage.em
maven.emma.coverage.out.fileYes Specifies the location of the Emma runtime coverage data file. ${}/
maven.emma.mergeYes Indicates whether the metadata should be merged into the destination metadatafile. true
maven.emma.jarYes Allows the user to override the core emma.jar.
maven.emma_ant.jarYes Allows the user to override the ant tasks emma_ant.jar.
maven.emma.execute.during.reportYes Controls whether or not the emma-report goal builds Emmaify the sources and execute the tests. true
maven.emma.filter.valueYes Specifies a list of inclusion/exclusion patterns. Example:*,*,*Test*. N/A
maven.emma.filter.includesYes Specifies a list of patterns, separated with white space and/or commas. Example:*. N/A
maven.emma.filter.excludesYes Specifies a list of patterns, separated with white space and/or commas. Example:*,*Test*. N/A
maven.emma.filter.fileYes Specifies a list of patterns to be loaded from a file with a given name. Example: myfilters.txt. N/A