Published: 01/15/2006 04:17:14
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EMMA: Downloads

All release and early access builds can be downloaded from EMMA's SourceForge download page.

Refer to the following file naming scheme to see which file release best suits your needs:

Release distribution
emma-major.minor.build.zip complete install image, with binaries, documentation, and examples (but without source code)
emma-major.minor.build-src.zip source code distribution, with build instructions
emma-major.minor.build-lib.zip .jar binaries only (suitable for patching the lib directory of an existing install)
Early access/stable distribution
emma-stable-major.minor.build-lib.zip .jar binaries only (suitable for patching the lib directory of an existing install)

For any two EMMA builds, the build with a higher build number always indicates a more recent build. For more details on EMMA build/release process please refer to EMMA developer documentation.

stable != release
Note that emma-stable-... builds are always made from EMMA's CVS trunk. They represent pre-release functionality and do not ship with complete documentation because of that. Once a given major.minor version is released, its further development/bugfixing is done in its CVS release branch exclusively.