Table of Contents
List of Tables
Supported JRE versions. EMMA has been implemented to work in any J2SE runtime environment. For performance reasons, EMMA tools and runtime can benefit from (but do not require) J2SE APIs available in J2SE versions 1.3 and 1.4. EMMA command line tools, ANT tasks, and runtime have been tested in a variety of JREs from Sun Microsystem, IBM, and BEA.
Supported ANT versions. EMMA ANT tasks work with Apache ANT 1.4.1 and later versions.
External library dependencies. EMMA has no external Java or native library dependencies.
Operating system. EMMA is a pure Java application and does not use JVMPI or other profiling interfaces requiring native libraries. It should provide identical functionality on any operating system supported by J2SE v1.2+[1].
EMMA distribution. EMMA is contained in two Java class archives (found in the
subdirectory of EMMA distribution):
and does not
overlap with it in content).General installation considerations. "Installing" EMMA simply implies making
and emma_ant.jar
available to the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and
Apache ANT runtime, as appropriate.
There are two distinct runtime cases for EMMA:
).Installing EMMA core/runtime library. Accordingly, to run EMMA command line tools or EMMA-instrumented
applications you need to add
to the appropriate JRE classpath. You
can do it either via the -cp
JVM option or by adding
as an installed JRE extension (by copying
to lib/ext
subdirectory of your JRE or by setting the
JVM system property to include the
subdirectory of EMMA distribution. See
Sun's documentation on Installed
Extentions and java.ext.dirs
property for more details).
It is highly recommended to install
as a JRE extension. This simplifies
EMMA usage with application containers (IBM Websphere, BEA
WebLogic, etc). Furthemore, installed JRE extensions are
trusted by default: the instrumented
application classes will automatically have the necessary
runtime permissions for dumping coverage data files. Note that the JRE used by
an application container may not necessarily be the same one you use
from command line or ANT.
Setting up EMMA ANT tasks. To run EMMA ANT tasks, one additional configuration step inside
is required:
<!-- EMMA distribution directory: -->
<property name='emma.dir' value='your EMMA install location' />
<path id='emma.lib' >
<fileset dir='${emma.dir}' includes='lib/*.jar' />
<taskdef resource='' classpathref='emma.lib' />
The build.xml
snippet shown above defines a
path element with emma.lib
reference id. Although
this is not strictly necessary (the <classpath>
element nested inside the <taskdef>
could have worked
just as well), such a path element usually comes in handy elsewhere in
the build.xml
[1] In a Sun Microsystems-compatible JRE prior to version
1.3 the runtime coverage data is dumped (in the offline coverage mode) only when
the JVM is terminated via Ctrl-C
or an equivalent
Table of Contents
EMMA functionality is implemented by a set of components responsible for class instrumentation, metadata and coverage data processing, and coverage report generation. Each component has adapters that expose its functionality as an ANT task and a command line tool. To reflect this design, each of the following reference subsections starts by detailing the overall functionality of a given component, followed by its concrete ANT and command line usage.
The following table summarizes EMMA ANT tasks and their equivalent command line tools:
Table 2.1. EMMA ANT tasks and command line tools
ANT task | Command line tool | Functionality | Output |
on-the-fly processing mode | |||
<emmajava> | emmarun | Executes a standalone Java application in EMMA instrumenting classloader without a separate instrumentation phase. | One or several coverage reports and (optionally) a coverage session raw data file. |
offline processing mode | |||
<instr> subtask | instr command | Instruments a set of classes in a given list of directories and/or archives and output. | Instrumented classes and archives and a coverage metadata file. |
<report> subtask | report command | Combines class metadata and coverage runtime data to produce coverage reports. | One or several coverage reports (plain text, HTML, XML). |
<merge> subtask | merge command | Merges and compacts several metadata, coverage, or session data files. | A single merged coverage session data file. |
Subtasks and commands. For reasons that include modularity and consistency of common option behavior EMMA offline coverage tools are used as subtasks of the "umbrella" <emma> ANT task:
<emma ...> <merge ...> ... </merge> <report ...> ... </report> </emma>
or as subcommands of the "umbrella" emma command line command:
>java emma instr -ip out/classes/ ... >java emma report -in coverage.em, ...
Note that in the ANT case, <emma> can contain an arbitrary sequence of subtasks (including mutliple subtasks of the same kind, which are executed in the exact sequence as they are specified). In addition to the already mentioned advantages, this allows entire blocks of EMMA tool invocations to be enabled/disabled and configured using attributes of the parent <emma> ANT task.
EMMA properties cascade. Some aspects of EMMA tool/task behavior can be modified using properties which can be set in a variety of ways: via JVM system properties, via an external file, via ANT (sub)task attributes or command line tool options. The task-subtask organization helps with this EMMA configuration as well. The general rule of thumb here is that properties within a more specific context (an ANT subtask vs <emma> parent task, a tool setting vs a global JVM property, etc) inherit their values from the surrounding contexts, but can also override them. For complete details see EMMA property lookup order.
In the remainder of this manual, the same tool will be
frequently referred to as
Overall EMMA processing sequence. The general sequence of steps when using EMMA depends on your chosen coverage mode:
When using EMMA's on-the-fly coverage mode, there is little to do in addition to how you would normally run your application or testsuite: you use <emmajava>/emmarun as the new startup class and optionally tell it where to place the coverage report(s)[2].
When using EMMA's offline coverage mode, the general sequence of tool/task invocations is:
In one or several passes, use <instr>/instr to instrument class directories and archive files.
Execute your application or test suite using the instrumented classes (one or several runs).
Optionally, merge and compact all metadata and runtime coverage files using <merge>/merge.
In one or several passes, use <report>/report to combine class metadata with the desired runtime coverage data profile(s) and generate the desired coverage report(s).
EMMA data files are untyped. EMMA tools use binary data files for storing instrumentation and runtime coverage results. EMMA files are not typed: they do not require a particular name or extension. Furthermore, each data file is a mini-database that acts as an envelope for an arbitrary sequence of metadata and/or runtime coverage data dumps. It is up to the user how to structure their work with EMMA: either accumulate everything in a single file or use a dedicated file for every tool. The only restriction is that EMMA files can only grow (once new data is merged in, it cannot be removed).
<emmajava>/emmarun — instrumented application runner (on-the-fly instrumentation mode).
<emmajava>/emmarun pairs an advanced custom classloader with a combination of core internal components of <instr>/instr and <report>/report to form a unique convenience tool in EMMA kit: an application runner that instruments classes on the fly and generates coverage reports without any need for a separate build or any intermediate work files alltogether.
<emmajava>/emmarun convenience is especially apparent in command line mode, because its option names intentionally mimick the familiar java options: a Java application launch command line could be made coverage-enabled by inserting a single new word (emmarun) into the command line. Similarly, the ANT version of this tool is an extension of ANT's standard <java> task. <emmajava>/emmarun can execute as little as a single Java class or as much as a complex Swing application made up of hundreds of classes, all with equally small instrumentation overhead.
Thinking of <emmajava>/emmarun as a combination of EMMA class instrumentor and report generator is a good way to remember its ANT attributes and command line options: in the reference sections that follow most of them are documented as identical to their namesakes in <instr>/instr and <report>/report.
What gets instrumented. The default <emmajava>/emmarun behavior is to instrument only the classes that are loaded by the JVM for the running application. The resulting report will not even mention classes that were never loaded and which potentially decrease your coverage percentages. If your objective is to get a complete coverage report (as you would from an offline combination of <instr>/instr and <report>/report) you should use the option for a full classpath scan, possibly in combination with some coverage filters.
Compatibility. At runtime, <emmajava>/emmarun's instrumenting classloader installs
itself as the application classloader, bypassing the standard
system classloader. It uses a smart class
delegation strategy, whereby it automatically detects JRE core and
extension classes without having to filter by class names (the
frequently used, but inadequate, delegation strategy). Coupled
with full support for Class-Path
manifest entries
and -jar
option, the resulting EMMA runtime will
correctly run most standalone Java programs. However, certain cases are
(either directly or via
related methods)
instead of using the current or thread context loaders will
bypass <emmajava>/emmarun classloader, causing subsequent classes to be
loaded at the wrong node of the classloader hierarchy. Such coding patterns should
really be considered bugs and are not supported. Such
code could be patched up on the fly during instrumentation,
but a reliable solution is expensive in terms of
processing. Switching to offline instrumentation is an easy
workaround.<emmajava> is always forked. ANT's in-process classloading model is not sufficiently
JRE-compatible. ANT's class
delegation in the standard <java> task in
(in-process) mode is
based on name matching (with a hardcoded set of name
filters) and inevitably fails for applications that depend on
non-standard JRE extensions. To support EMMA deployment as a JRE
extension <emmajava> always forces
to ensure correct execution (unless
its enabled
attribute makes it a pass-through).
Internal EMMA properties that affect classloading and class instrumentation. Several EMMA property settings affect instrumentation and classloading behavior done by <emmajava>/emmarun:
Changing the default classloading behavior should be done by
experienced Java users only. Most of instrumentation-related
properties should normally be left with their default
values. instr.do_suid.compensation
can be set to false
to gain extra instrumentation
processing speed when runtime execution does not involve class
de-serialization from existing files or serialization across
<emmajava> task is an implicit combination of <instr> and <report> tasks and most of its attributes and nested elements are the same as for those two tasks combined.
Attribute | Description | Required |
ANT <java> task attributes ] | ||
[common EMMA task attributes ] | No | |
libclasspath | A path-like structure
containing EMMA core
(emma.jar ). | Yes, unless EMMA is installed as the JRE extension |
libclasspathref | Same as libclasspath , but given as a reference to a
path defined elsewhere. | Yes, unless EMMA is installed as the JRE extension |
fullmetadata | Indicates whether the entire classpath should be
added to the coverage metadata (default: false ). | No |
dumpsessiondata | Indicates whether the session (metadata+coverage)
data resulting from this coverage run should be dumped to
a file. Useful for post-run coverage report generation (default: false ). | No |
sessiondatafile , outfile | If dumpsessiondata='true' , overrides the location to store session data
(default: file in the current
directory). Ignored otherwise.
| No |
merge | Indicates whether the session data should be merged
into the destination sessiondatafile , if
any (default: true ). Any existing data is
clobbered otherwise. | No |
filter | Adds a coverage filter. See Section 6.2, “Coverage filters” for general description of EMMA coverage filters and Section 6.2.1, “filter syntax: ANT” specifically for ANT syntax. This attribute plays a role equivalent to the same attribute of <instr>. | No |
sourcepath | A path-like structure that can be used
to point the HTML report generator in <emmajava>/emmarun to the location of your Java
source files. It is interpreted as a list of
directories (separated by the OS-specific classpath
separator or comma) containing .java
source files. The local path names within each directory
should reflect class package names. This attribute is equivalent to the
same attribute
of <report> task. | No |
sourcepathref | Same as sourcepath , but given as a reference to a
path defined elsewhere. | No |
units | Equivalent to the same attribute of <report>. | No |
depth | Equivalent to the same attribute of <report>. | No |
columns | Equivalent to the same attribute of <report>. | No |
sort | Equivalent to the same attribute of <report>. | No |
metrics | Equivalent to the same attribute of <report>. | No |
encoding | Equivalent to the same attribute of <report>. | No |
Element | Description | Required |
ANT <java> task nested elements ] | ||
[common EMMA task nested elements ] | No | |
<filter> | Adds a coverage filter. See Section 6.2, “Coverage filters” for general description of EMMA coverage filters and Section 6.2.1, “filter syntax: ANT” specifically for ANT syntax. This nested element plays a role equivalent to the same element of <instr>. | No |
<sourcepath> | A path-like structure that can be used to point the HTML report generator in <emmajava>/emmarun to the location of your Java source files. This element is equivalent to the same nested element of <report> task. | No |
<txt> | Equivalent to the same nested element of <report>. | No |
<html> | Equivalent to the same nested element of <report>. | No (<txt> implied by default) |
<xml> | Equivalent to the same nested element of <report>. | No (<txt> implied by default) |
, and <xml>
nested elements. These nested elements create plain text, HTML, and XML
coverage reports, respectively. If none is specified, the plain
text report is implied (at most one configurator of any given report type
can be nested inside a given
<emmajava> call). Configuration of these
elements is described in the equivalent section of <report>
task reference page.
Generate plain text and HTML reports with the default parameters:
<emmajava enabled="${emma.enabled}" libclasspathref="emma.lib" filter="${emma.filter}" sourcepath="${src.dir}" classname="Main" classpathref="run.classpath" > <!-- since this task is an extension of stock <java>, normal <java> options are still available: --> <arg value="someargvalue" /> <txt outfile="${coverage.dir}/coverage.txt" /> <html outfile="${coverage.dir}/coverage.html" /> </emmajava>
Do a full metadata scan (of run.classpath
), generate
an HTML report with some customization, use a <dirset>
to set the sourcepath:
<emmajava enabled="${emma.enabled}" libclasspathref="emma.lib" fullmetadata="yes" classname="Main" classpathref="run.classpath" > <sourcepath> <dirset dir="${basedir}" > <include name="**/src" /> </dirset> </sourcepath> <html outfile="${coverage.dir}/index.html" columns="name, method, line" sort="+line, +name" metrics="line:80" /> </emmajava>
Don't generate any reports, just dump the raw coverage session data for now:
<emmajava enabled="${emma.enabled}" libclasspathref="emma.lib" fullmetadata="yes" dumpsessiondata="yes" classname="Main" classpathref="run.classpath" />
java emmarun
[(1) EMMA options] -cp classpath
... class
...]java emmarun
[(1) EMMA options] -jar jarfile
(1) [-f] [-ix filter patterns
...] [-r report types
...] [-sp sourcepath
...] [-raw] [-out session data file
] [-merge boolean
] [common options
alternative form:
java emma run
{same as above
-f, -fullmetadata
) should be added to the coverage
metadata (default: false
). Without this flag,
only the classes explicitly loaded by the JVM will be in the
instrumentation set. -ix, -filter
... filter patterns
-r, -report (
... txt
). It is equivalent to the same option
of report
tool. -sp, -sourcepath
... list of source directories
-raw, -sessiondata
). -out, -outfile
session data file
flag is set, this option
overrides the location to store session data
(default: file
in the current
directory). Ignored otherwise. -merge (
, if
any (default: true
). Any existing data is
clobbered otherwise. report generation options
Unlike its ANT equivalent, emmarun command line tool does not have dedicated options for controlling coverage report generation. If necessary, they can be set using generic -D, -properties, and other mechanisms.
So, for example, to change the default location of the HTML report you would override the report.out.file property:
>java emmarun -Dreport.html.out.file=mycoveragedir/myfile.html ...(
can be abbreviated to
if the command generates
a single report type)Run an application and generate plain text and XML reports with default parameters:
>java emmarun -r txt,xml -jar SwingSet2.jar
Run an application and generate an HTML report with some customization and linking to the application source code:
>java emmarun -r html -Dreport.columns=name,method,line -sp src/ -jar SwingSet2.jar
Run an application and don't generate any reports, just dump the raw coverage session data:
>java emmarun -raw -jar SwingSet2.jar
The default EMMA command line tool behavior is not to use
on exit unless an explicit
option is specified. If that is done, the error codes returned via
are as follows:
0 | Successful completion. |
1 | Failure due to incorrect option usage. This error
code is also returned when command line usage
(-h )
is requested explicitly. |
2 | All other failures. |
<instr>/instr — offline class instrumentor.
<instr>/instr is EMMA's offline class instrumentor. It adds bytecode instrumentation to all classes found in an instrumentation path that also pass through user-provided coverage filters. Additionally, it produces the class metadata file necessary for associating runtime coverage data with the original class definitions during coverage report generation.
Instrumentation path. Note that the classes to be instrumented are taken from a
path element that is exactly like the kind taken by normal JDK tools
and ANT tasks: it is a list of directories (containing
files) and
archives (specified as an arbitrary number of
) options). All
non-existent or duplicate entries in the instrumentation path are
effectively ignored during processing.
manifest entriesNote that <instr>/instr processes Class-Path
entries in the manifests of class archives that it
encounters. This is by design and is the desirable behavior (especially in the
overwrite and fullcopy output modes), but care needs to be taken
to avoid processing unintended implicit path segments.
Output modes. To accomodate different build and testsuite designs <instr>/instr has three different modes for how it outputs instrumented classes:
In this mode, all instrumented classes are output to a single destination directory, regardless of whether the source classes came from a directory or an archive. Furthemore, only the classes and archive entries that are in the instrumentation set are written out. The idea here is to process just the necessary classes in as few disk I/O operations as possible.
For coverage-enabled application/testsuite runs
the destination directory needs to be placed in the
classpath ahead of the original classes. If this is
inconvenient (say, because you need to package classes in
archives before you can run), the overwrite
mode might be a better option.
This mode is similar to copy
except it overwrites the original class and archive
files. This is ideal as a pre-packaging step turned on only
when coverage-enabled application/testsuite runs are
needed. Its advantage over the copy
mode is
that it can do jar-to-jar processing and eliminates the need
to prepend a special output directory to the classpath. Its
disadvantage is the extra CPU and disk I/O times needed to
duplicate archive entries that are not being
This mode is a hybrid between copy
and overwrite
. It offers the convenience of
mixed individual class file and jar-to-jar processing
without having to overwrite the original content. In this
mode, the destination directory is split into two subdirectories,
and lib
which accept instrumented class files and instrumented class
archives, respectively.
Note that because in this mode <instr>/instr has to copy the most content (both files and archive entries that are not being instrumented), this mode could be the slowest of the three. The exact performance behavior depends on the relative speeds of your CPU and I/O subsystems and on the relative content mixes between class files and class archives in the input.
Class coverage metadata. An important byproduct of class instrumentation is class metadata. As described in more detail elsewhere, EMMA coverage is based on instrumenting basic bytecode blocks. Every instrumentation run outputs a compact representation of data necessary to associate coverage of an individual basic block with its parent method and class as well as the original Java source lines that map to this basic basic (there is a metadata entry for every class in the instrumentation class set). Class metadata from each offline instrumentation run needs to be saved in a disk file, because it will be required for coverage stats computation and coverage report generation.
Note that when <instr>/instr writes metadata into a file, it will by default merge incoming metadata into the existing data in the destination file (if it exists). This behavior is also necessary to support incremental instrumentation, as described shortly.
Class metadata merging. To avoid any ambiguities, it is necessary to completely specify how <instr>/instr resolves duplicate data during instrumentation path processing:
entries are also processed, in the order they are
discovered. This sequence is thus the same as it would be
for classloading lookup if the instrumentation path were
used as a classpath.The last point is best illustrated with an example. If both
contain metadata for class
>java emma instr -ip ... -d coverageA.em ... >java emma instr -ip ... -d coverageB.em ...
then the definition in coverageB.em
wins in all these cases:
>java emma report -in coverageA.em -in coverageB.em ... >java emma report -in coverageA.em,coverageB.em ... >java emma merge -in coverageA.em -in coverageB.em ...
Similar rules apply to EMMA ANT tasks.
Incremental instrumentation and metadata merging. As is common knowledge, when working with javac, either from command line or via ANT's <javac> task, only the classes that were modified since the last compilation get re-compiled. This is incredibly convenient for an individual developer, as it makes a complex product build incremental: small changes to the source code results in quick incremental compiles. This is indispensable for the "code some—test some—repeat" approach to software development.
EMMA can be used such that it fully preserves the incremental nature of a build. The key to this is how class metadata is merged when it is output to the same file. Suppose a developer executes the following actions (EMMA command line tools are used here for compactness, but the same is possible with an EMMA-enhanced ANT build):
>javac -g -d classes src/my/java/sources/*.java >java emma instr -ip classes ... ... edit some sources ... >javac -g -d classes src/my/java/sources/*.java ... only the changed source files get re-compiled ... >java emma instr -ip classes ... ... only the re-compiled class files get re-instrumented ...
In this case <instr>/instr was either in copy
or in overwrite
mode and it implicitly used the same
default coverage metadata repository file,
, for each
instrumentation run. In the copy
mode, <instr>/instr
instruments only the class files whose instrumented versions in the
output directory are older than their
javac-produced original versions. In
the overwrite
mode case, <instr>/instr will instrument
(and overwrite) only the classes that are not already instrumented
(because those would be the classes recently recompiled by
javac). All later metadata entries written to
override any earlier definitions
and it all works out correctly (and very fast).
Because the metadata is always up-to-date in this scenario, the developer can run his/her tests and look at coverage stats at any time he/she runs the tests, without doing an expensive rebuild of the entire project.
Note that the rules for merging runtime coverage data are different: the data from different coverage runs is assumed to correspond to the same class definitions (in most cases EMMA will abort with an error if it detects a mismatch). Basic block coverage is merged such that the final coverage profile is a union of all merged profiles.
The following table summarizes the major differences between <instr>/instr output modes:
Table 2.2. <instr>/instr output mode summary
Mode | Supports jar-to-jar processing | Supports incremental instrumentation | Output behavior |
copy | No | Yes | All instrumented classes are written to a single destination directory (only instrumented entities are written out), regardless of whether they come from class files or class archives. |
overwrite | Yes | Yes | Instrumented (and only instrumented) classes are overwritten in-place. Instrumented (and only instrumented) archive entries are updated in their archives. |
fullcopy | Yes | No | All (instrumented or not) class files are written
to a classes subdirectory of the
destination directory. All (instrumented or not) class
archives are written out to a lib
subdirectory of the destination directory. |
Internal EMMA properties that affect class instrumentation. Several property settings affect <instr>/instr behavior:
Most of these should normally be left with their default
values. instr.do_suid.compensation
can be set to false
to gain extra instrumentation
processing speed when runtime execution does not involve class
de-serialization from existing files or serialization across
Attribute | Description | Required |
[common EMMA task attributes ] | No | |
instrpath | A path-like structure specifying the instrumentation path to use. | Either this attribute, or instrpathref
attribute, or at least one nested
<instrpath> element must be present. |
instrpathref | Same as instrpath , but given as a reference to a
path defined elsewhere. | Either this attribute, or instrpath
attribute, or at least one nested
<instrpath> element must be present. |
destdir , outdir | The location to store instrumented class files (in
fullcopy mode instrumented classes are stored in
destdir /classes and
instrumented archives are stored in
destdir /lib
subdirectories, respectively). Ignored if mode='overwrite' . | Yes, unless mode='overwrite' |
metadatafile , outfile | The location to store class coverage metadata (default:
file coverage.em in the current
directory). Neither particular file name nor extension are
required. | No |
merge | Indicates whether the metadata should be merged into
the destination metadatafile , if any
(default: true ). Any existing data is
clobbered otherwise. | No |
mode | Specifies the instrumentation output mode. Valid values
for this property are:
| No |
filter | Adds an instrumentation filter. See Section 6.2, “Coverage filters” for general description of EMMA's instrumentation filters and Section 6.2.1, “filter syntax: ANT” specifically for ANT syntax. | No |
Element | Description | Required |
[common EMMA task nested elements ] | No | |
<instrpath> | A path-like structure that specifies the instrumentation path to use. | Either instrpath attribute, or instrpathref
attribute, or at least one nested
<instrpath> element must be present. |
<filter> | Adds an instrumentation filter. See Section 6.2, “Coverage filters” for general description of EMMA's instrumentation filters and Section 6.2.1, “filter syntax: ANT” specifically for ANT syntax. | No |
nested elements. <instrpath>
is a path-like
structure used to select class files and
archives to be processed for instrumentation. If a duplicate class
name is encountered during a single instrumentation pass, only
the first class definition will be added to the class metadata emitted during this
instrumentation path. See Class metadata merging. for more details.
In-place instrument a certain subset of already compiled classes
using overwrite
mode and several coverage filters:
<emma enabled="${emma.enabled}" > <instr instrpathref="${out.dir}/classes" mode="overwrite" > <!-- always exclude every class with a "Test" in the name: --> <filter excludes="*Test*" /> <!-- don't instrument everything in "${out.dir}/classes", only the stuff I am working on now: --> <filter file="myincludes.txt" /> <!-- additional ANT command line hook: --> <filter value="${emma.filter}" /> </instr> </emma>
Don't overwrite compiled classes that later need to go into official
release jars (stay in copy
mode). However, use incremental
instrumentation for fast personal testing:
<emma enabled="${emma.enabled}" > <instr instrpathref="${out.dir}/classes" outdir="${out.dir}/classes-instrumented" merge="yes" filter="${emma.filter}" /> </emma>
Take all jars already produced by the product build and make test (coverage-enabled) copies of them:
<emma enabled="${emma.enabled}" > <instr mode="fullcopy" outdir="${out.instr.dir}" merge="no" filter="${emma.filter}" > <instrpath> <fileset dir="${out.dir}" includes="**/*.jar" /> </instrpath> </instr> </emma>
java emma instr
{-ip instrumentation path
...} [-d directory
] [-out metadata file
] [-merge boolean
] [-m output mode
] [-ix filter patterns
[common options
-ip, -cp, -instrpath
... instrumentation path
-d, -dir, -outdir
mode instrumented classes are stored in
instrumented archives are stored in
subdirectories, respectively). Ignored if
is overwrite
. -out, -outfile
metadata file
in the current
directory). Neither particular file name nor extension are
required. -merge (
file, if any
(default: true
). Any existing data is
clobbered otherwise. -m, -outmode (
Specifies the instrumentation output mode. Valid values for this property are:
(default): copy only instrumented
class files and archive entries into
: overwrite input
class files and archives.fullcopy
: copy all
(instrumented or not) class files and archives to
and destdir
, respectively. -ix, -filter
... filter patterns
In-place instrument a certain subset of already compiled classes
using overwrite
mode and several coverage filters:
>java emma instr -m overwrite -ip out/classes -ix -*Test* -ix @myfilters.txt
Don't overwrite compiled classes that later need to go into official
release jars (stay in copy
mode). However, use incremental
instrumentation for fast personal testing:
>java emma instr -merge y -ip out/classes -d out/classes-instrumented
Take all jars already produced by the product build and make test (coverage-enabled) copies of them:
>java emma instr -m fullcopy -merge no -ip out/Product.jar -d out-instrumented/
The default EMMA command line tool behavior is not to use
on exit unless an explicit
option is specified. If that is done, the error codes returned via
are as follows:
0 | Successful completion. |
1 | Failure due to incorrect option usage. This error
code is also returned when command line usage
(-h )
is requested explicitly. |
2 | All other failures. |
<report>/report — offline coverage report generator.
<report>/report is EMMA's offline coverage report generator. It reads in an arbitrary number of data files containing class metadata and runtime coverage data and generates one or several coverage reports of desired types. Several aspects of coverage reporting (detail level, column order, column sorting, coverage metrics failure markup, etc) can be customized for a given report type.
What is reported on. Each invocation of <report>/report requires a set of input metadata and runtime coverage data files. EMMA coverage stats are derived exclusively from the classes that appear in the combined class metadata as represented by this input. To put it differently, a coverage report can reflect as much as the state of the entire product codebase or as little as one Java package or API being worked on by a given developer at the moment.
Report depth. To understand EMMA's approach to generating coverage reports, the following paradigm should be kept in mind:
all classes
in the reportsall classes
entity contains Java packages
attribute in all input classes it
is in general impossible to make the association between classes and
their source files and that in turn impacts how metrics
like line coverage
are rolled up. The above hierarchy is easier to understand if you
realize that without the full debug info the source file hierarchy
level is absent.)Correspondingly, <report>/report calculates and presents coverage metrics in a way
that allows for drilling down into data in a top-down fashion,
starting with all classes
and going all the way to the level of individual methods and
source lines (in the HTML report). Coverage metrics are rolled up at the levels of
individual methods, classes, source files, packages, and for the
entire instrumentation set (all classes
). The concept of "report
depth" represents how deep you are in this hierarchy.
Different report types produced by <report>/report differ in how they reflect this data hierarchy:
all classes
summary and progressively adds further
drill-down sections. Because a columnar plain text format is
limited in how well it can present hierarchical data, it is
recommended that for report depths beyond all
and package
you use the HTML report instead.all classes
summary page and for larger report depths links it to
package summary pages and then further to individual source
file and class summary pages. Source/class summary pages can
further embed source files and show method coverage rollups as
well as highlight individual source line coverage states.Valid values for a report depth are all
, source
, and method
. In general, a
certain report depth value implies the level of detail that includes
the summary for all items at that level as well as
coverage breakdown summaries for their children. The amount of information rendered
for a given depth value is always inclusive of
lesser depth values, so increasing the report depth always increases
the amount of details that is rendered. As a special case, when full debug info is
available, class
is equivalent to
Report units. EMMA coverage metrics could be unweighted or weighted, that is derived from basic block coverage where each block counts either with an equal weight or with a weight proportional to the number of Java bytecode instructions in it. The default <report>/report behavior is to use weighted metrics. This includes all metrics that are sensitive to basic block content: line and block coverage. Weighted basic block coverage is a recommended metric for all situations, because it can simulate line coverage when no debug information has been compiled into application classes. If desired, the traditional (unweighted) metrics could be selected using the units option.
Coverage metrics. A very useful feature of HTML and plain text reports created by <report>/report is the ability to highlight entities that fail a given coverage metric. The plain text report does it by appending a "!" to a failing coverage metric and the HTML report highlights those in red. Combined with ability to sort report columns, this feature allows an individual developer to zoom in to the packages and classes that demand the most attention with respect to coverage.
Sourcepath and source linking. Although EMMA coverage calculations are based on basic
block coverage profiling, <report>/report can also map block coverage to
Java source file lines. If the HTML report generator is set
to method
depth and is configured with a valid
source path and the instrumented classes were compiled with enough
debug information, the generator will embed source files in the
source file/class summary report pages and highlight covered/not
covered lines accordingly.
Referencing the original Java source files is
optional during coverage report generation and does not affect
how EMMA coverage stats are computed (these stats are based
entirely on the class
metadata and the debug info available in the
data at the instrumentation
time). However, to avoid report generation errors it is your
responsibility to ensure that the
versions of Java sources used for reporting are the same as
the ones used during instrumentation.
Attribute | Description | Required |
[common EMMA task attributes ] | No | |
sourcepath | An optional source path to use for report
generation (a path-like
structure). It is interpreted as a list of
directories (separated by the OS-specific classpath
separator or comma) containing .java
source files. The local path names within each directory
should reflect class package names. (Currently, only the HTML report
generator uses this data, and only at
method report depth.) | No |
sourcepathref | Same as sourcepath , but given as a
reference to a path defined elsewhere. | No |
units | Specifies whether weighted or unweighted coverage
metrics are calculated. Valid values are:
| No |
depth | Specifies the amount of detail to be included in
the generated coverage reports, as described in Report depth.. Valid values (in order
of increasing level of detail) are:
| No |
columns | Specifies which report columns and in which order
to use for report generation, as a comma-separated list of
column ids. Valid column ids are the name of the item
reported on and various types of coverage:
name , class ,
method , block , and
line . Coverage types that are not
available for a given item type and debug info level are
automatically ignored. Reports can use only a subset of
all possible columns (and different report types can use
different subsets). Duplicate column names are
ignored. Setting this attribute is the same as setting the
report.columns property for
all report types (default values are report type-specific,
see below). | No |
sort | Specifies report column sorting order, as a
comma-separated list of column ids prefixed with
“+” for ascending or “-” for
descending directions. The first column id is the primary
sort and subsequent column ids are secondary sorts, in the
order given. Only the column ids specified by
columns attribute are considered.
Setting this attribute is the same as setting the report.sort property for all
report types (default:
+block,+name,+method,+class ). | No |
metrics | Specifies the threshold coverage metric values for
a given set of columns (all coverage percentages that are
below a given threshold are marked up in the report types
that support this). The value is a comma-separated list of
column id-value pairs, with the value being the minimum
required coverage percentage. Setting this attribute is
the same as setting the report.metrics property for
all report types (default:
method:70,block:80,line:80,class:100 ). | No |
encoding | Sets the charset id for report output files (this is best done at the individual report type level). Setting this attribute is the same as setting the report.out.encoding property for all report types (default values are report type-specific, see below). | No |
Element | Description | Required |
[common EMMA task nested elements ] | No | |
<infileset> , <fileset> | A FileSet that selects a set of metadata and coverage data files that form the basis of coverage calculations in the generated report(s). It is an error not to include any metadata or any coverage data within this set of files. | Yes |
<sourcepath> | A path-like structure that specifies an optional source path to use for HTML report generation. | No |
<txt> | Instructs <report> to generate a plain-text coverage report. The report can be further customized as shown below. | At least one of <txt> ,
<html> ,
<xml> is required |
<html> | Instructs <report> to generate an HTML coverage report. The report can be further customized as shown below. | At least one of <txt> ,
<html> ,
<xml> is required |
<xml> | Instructs <report> to generate an XML coverage report. The report can be further customized as shown below. | At least one of <txt> ,
<html> ,
<xml> is required |
nested elements. <infileset>
nested elements are configured as
any other FileSet
data type in ANT. Additionally, EMMA's version of
FileSet data type allows
attribute in ANT versions earlier than
1.5.x (which is useful for selecting a single file by its known name without
using an explicit PatternSet).
nested elements. <sourcepath>
is a path-like
structure that can be used to point <report>/report
to the location of your Java source files. If the
HTML report depth
is set to method
and the instrumented classes
were compiled with enough debug information, the report generator will
embed whichever source files it can find inside the HTML
report pages and highlight covered/not covered lines.
, and <xml>
nested elements. These nested elements create plain text, HTML, and XML
coverage reports, respectively. At least one report type must be
specified (at most one configurator of any given report type
can be nested inside a given
<report>). All of them accept the same set of
report configuration attributes (if a particular attribute is not
specified for an element, its value is inherited
from the <report> parent. If the parent task
does not specify an attribute value either, the usual EMMA property inheritance
rules determine the eventual value):
Attribute | Description | Required |
units | Overrides the coverage metric units for a given report type. It is perhaps best to set this at the parent <report> level, so that all generated reports use consistent units. | No |
depth | Overrides the report depth for a given report
type. The default values are:
| No |
columns | Overrides the report column selection and order for a given report
type.The default values are:
| No |
sort | Overrides the report column sort order for a given report type. | No |
metrics | Overrides the report coverage metrics thresholds for a given report type. It is perhaps best to set this at the parent <report> level, so that all generated reports use consistent metrics. | No |
outfile | Overrides the default report output file
The default settings are:
| No |
encoding | Overrides the output file charset
encoding used for a given report type. The default values are:
| No |
Generate plain text and XML report types, all with default settings:
<emma enabled="${emma.enabled}" > <report > <!-- collect all EMMA data dumps (metadata and runtime): --> <infileset dir="${coverage.dir}" includes="*.em, *.ec" /> <txt /> <xml /> </report> </emma>
Generate three report types, with common metrics and column sorting, but with different report depth and column orderings:
<emma enabled="${emma.enabled}" > <report sourcepath="${src.dir}" sort="+block,+name,+method,+class" metrics="method:70,block:80,line:80,class:100" > <infileset dir="${coverage.dir}" includes="*.em, *.ec" /> <!-- for every type of report desired, configure a nested element; various report parameters can be inherited from the parent <report> and individually overridden for each report type: --> <txt outfile="${coverage.dir}/coverage.txt" depth="package" columns="class,method,block,line,name" /> <xml outfile="${coverage.dir}/coverage.xml" depth="package" /> <html outfile="${coverage.dir}/coverage.html" depth="method" columns="name,class,method,block,line" /> </report> </emma>
Generate an HTML report with some customization, load metadata and runtime coverage data from a single session file, use a <dirset> to set the sourcepath:
<emma enabled="${emma.enabled}" > <report > <infileset file="${coverage.dir}/" /> <sourcepath> <dirset dir="${basedir}" > <include name="**/src" /> </dirset> </sourcepath> <html outfile="${coverage.dir}/index.html" columns="name, method, line" sort="+line, +name" metrics="line:80" /> </report> </emma>
java emma report
{-in data files
...} {-r report types
...} [-sp sourcepath
...] [common options
-in, -input
... meta/coverage data files
-r, -report (
... txt
-sp, -sourcepath
... list of source directories
source files. The local path names within each directory
should reflect class package names. (Currently, only the HTML report
generator uses this data, and only at
report depth.) report generation options
Unlike its ANT equivalent, report command line tool does not have dedicated options for controlling coverage report generation. If necessary, they can be set using generic -D, -properties, and other mechanisms.
So, for example, to change the default location of the HTML report you would override the report.out.file property:
>java emma report -Dreport.html.out.file=mydir/mycoverage.html ...(
can be abbreviated to
if the command generates
a single report type)Generate plain text and XML report types, both with their default settings:
>java emma report -r txt,xml -in coverage.em -in
Generate the HTML report only, but override the default output location:
>java emma report -r html -in coverage.em, -sp src/ -Dreport.html.out.file=mycoverage/coverage.html
Generate three report types, with common metrics and column
sorting, but with different report depth and column
orderings. Use -properties
option to pull in a large number of report property overrides:
>java emma report -r txt,xml,html -props -in coverage.em, -sp src/where file
report.sort = +block,+name,+method,+class report.metrics = method:70,block:80,line:80,class:100 report.depth = package report.txt.out.file = coverage/coverage.txt report.txt.columns = class,method,block,line,name report.xml.out.file = coverage/coverage.xml report.html.out.file = coverage/coverage.html report.html.depth = method report.html.columns = name,class,method,block,line
Generate an HTML report with some customization, load metadata and runtime coverage data from a single session file:
>java emma report -r html -in -sp src/ \ -Dreport.columns=name,method,line \ -Dreport.sort=+line,+name \ -Dreport.metrics=line:80
The default EMMA command line tool behavior is not to use
on exit unless an explicit
option is specified. If that is done, the error codes returned via
are as follows:
0 | Successful completion. |
1 | Failure due to incorrect option usage. This error
code is also returned when command line usage
(-h )
is requested explicitly. |
2 | All other failures. |
<merge>/merge — offline meta- and runtime coverage data compressor.
<merge>/merge is EMMA's offline meta- and runtime coverage data compressor. It reads in an arbitrary number of data files containing class metadata and/or runtime coverage data and compresses all of it into a single session data file.
Why merge? Despite the fact that all other EMMA tools can do in-memory merging of an arbitrary number of input data files, there are valid reason for using <merge>/merge tool:
Coverage metrics for a particular application could be determined by a large set of meta- and runtime coverage data files, not necessarily collected in a single application run. For example, a Swing client could run in one JVM and a remoted server in another, possibly on a different host machine. Or a testsuite could be spread over a sequence of forked JVM processes.
Collecting all EMMA data in a single file could be a simple matter of convenience: such a coverage session data file is a memento of a particular state of application coverage. Such a session data file contains all the data necessary to regenerate all coverage reports (for source code embedding in a coverage report you also need to preserve the particular versions of sources used at the instrumentation time: a source revision control system is a good solution for this).
Attribute | Description | Required |
[common EMMA task attributes ] | No | |
mergefile , outfile , tofile , file | Overrides the location to store merged data
(default: file in the current
directory). | No. |
Element | Description | Required |
[common EMMA task nested elements ] | No | |
<infileset> , <fileset> | A FileSet that selects an arbitrary mix of metadata and coverage data to be merged. | Yes |
nested elements. <infileset>
nested elements are configured as
any other FileSet
data type in ANT. Additionally, EMMA's version of
FileSet data type allows
attribute in ANT versions earlier than
1.5.x (which is useful for selecting a single file by its known name without
using an explicit PatternSet).
Collect all EMMA metadata and runtime coverage data files and merge them into a single session file:
<emma> <merge outfile="${coverage.dir}/" > <fileset dir="${coverage.dir}" includes="*.em, *.ec" /> </merge> </emma>
Compact a single data file:
<emma> <merge outfile="${coverage.dir}/" > <fileset file="${coverage.dir}/" /> </merge> </emma>
java emma merge
{-in data files
...} [-out data file
] [common options
-in, -input
... meta/coverage data files
-out, -outfile
output merge data file
in the current
directory).Collect all EMMA metadata and runtime coverage data files and merge them into a single session file:
>java emma merge -in coverage.em -in -out
Compact a single data file:
>java emma merge -in -out
The default EMMA command line tool behavior is not to use
on exit unless an explicit
option is specified. If that is done, the error codes returned via
are as follows:
0 | Successful completion. |
1 | Failure due to incorrect option usage. This error
code is also returned when command line usage
(-h )
is requested explicitly. |
2 | All other failures. |
Although EMMA's instrumentation is very fast (it is usually fast enough so that the overall processing time is dominated by file I/O), the key to making EMMA into an even faster tool for individual development is to make EMMA do just the right amount of work, i.e. define the right instrumentation set of classes.
Understanding what gets instrumented is also important for another reason: EMMA coverage reports are based exclusively on the classes in the instrumentation set as implied by coverage metadata.
Instrumentation set. The set of classes that get instrumented in a given invocation of a tool like <instr>/instr or <emmajava>/emmarun is determined by the following rules:
in the on-the-fly processing mode, <emmajava>/emmarun behavior
with respect to the remaining eligible classes depends
on whether the full classpath scan mode (fullmetadata
option) is turned on:
What this means in practice is that you choose the right set of class directories and archives via the instrumentation path option and then narrow it further down via a number of coverage filters, described next.
Wildcards. EMMA coverage filters are lists of familiar
-wildcard class name
”'s (dots) as Java package separators;*
” in a pattern stands for zero or
more class name characters;?
” in a pattern stands for exactly one
class name characterYou should not think of coverage filters as applying at the
file level. Instead, think of them as applying
at the classpath level. Thus, if you exclude
”, for example, it will have
effect on all application classes that are subject to
instrumentation, no matter from how many classpath directories
and/or .jars they come.
Inclusions and exclusions. Sometimes all you want is to zoom in to a particular Java package and don't want to specify a long list of exclusion patterns (that also needs to be updated each time someone on your team adds a new Java package to the application). Other times, you do want to include all of the application's classes but would like to exclude just a few packages or name patterns (e.g., your testcases or perhaps a package that is well-tested and can be excluded from coverage analysis).
EMMA coverage filters support all such scenarios and more, in a reasonably concise and intuitive fashion. Each coverage filter pattern is either an inclusion or an exclusion pattern:
” (plus sign).-
” (minus sign).Informally, the way inclusions and exclusions work can be
summarized as follows: a class name is in the
instrumentation set if it is included and not excluded. An empty
list of inclusion patterns implicitly includes everything (i.e., it
is like “+*
”) and an
empty list of exclusion patterns implicitly excludes
nothing. Furthermore, a class name is included if it matches at
least one of the inclusion patterns and not excluded by any
exclusion pattern. It is best to show the formal
matching rule via pseudocode, followed by some examples:
Inclusion/exclusion matching algorithm.
if (inclusions is not empty) { boolean included = false; foreach (pattern in inclusions) { if (pattern matches classname) { included = true; break; } } if (not included) return classname_is_excluded; } if (exclusions is not empty) { foreach (pattern in exclusions) { if (pattern matches classname) return classname_is_excluded; } } return classname_is_included;
EMMA ANT (sub)tasks that can take instrumentation filter
strings either as a filter
attribute or as
nested elements follow the same
specification syntax:
attribute. The attribute value is a filter string, which is a list of
inclusion/exclusion patterns, separated with white space and/or commas. Each
inclusion/exclusion pattern is a
-wildcard class name mask, prefixed
with +
and -
for inclusion and exclusion,
respectively. It is legal to omit a prefix, in which case the inclusion
prefix, +
, is implied.
It is also possible to specify a list of
inclusion/exclusion patterns to be loaded from an external file. To do so, you can set
the filter
attribute to an @
-prefixed file name. The file
should contain a list of inclusion/exclusion patterns, one per line (empty
lines and lines starting with a “#
” are ignored).
element. This nested element can be configured through a
combination of the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
value | Specifies a list of inclusion/exclusion
patterns, separated with white space and/or commas. Each inclusion/exclusion
pattern is a * ,? -wildcard class name mask,
prefixed with + and - for inclusion and
exclusion, respectively. It is legal to omit a prefix, in which case the
inclusion prefix, + , is implied. Note that this attribute
allows you to specify a mixed list of inclusions and exclusions. |
includes | Specifies a list of patterns, separated with
white space and/or commas. Each pattern is a
* ,? -wildcard class name mask, interpreted
as an inclusion pattern. All explicit + /-
prefixes are ignored. |
excludes | Specifies a list of patterns, separated with
white space and/or commas. Each pattern is a
* ,? -wildcard class name mask, interpreted
as an exclusion pattern. All explicit + /-
prefixes are ignored. |
file | Specifies a list of patterns to be loaded from
a file with a given name. The file should contain a list of
inclusion/exclusion patterns, one per line (empty lines and lines starting
with a “# ” are ignored). Each inclusion/exclusion pattern is a
* ,? -wildcard class name mask, prefixed
with + and - for inclusion and exclusion,
respectively. It is legal to omit a prefix, in which case the inclusion
prefix, + , is implied. Note that such a file can contain a
mixed list of inclusions and exclusions. |
Note that if any of these attributes is set to an empty
string it is ignored. This is convenient for providing team-wide ANT filter
"hooks" that are overridden differently by individual developers
using ANT command line (-Demma.filter=...
, etc).
Note that all these different ways of specifying instrumentation filters can be used in a combination. The result is a union of all specified patterns. The following examples all specify the same set of inclusion/exclusion patterns:
<filter includes="*" excludes="*,*Test*" />
<filter includes="*" /> <filter excludes="*,*Test*" />
<filter value="*,*,*Test*" />
<filter excludes="*Test*" file="myfilters.txt" />where
file contains these lines:**
EMMA command line tools that can accept instrumentation filter
strings do it via the -ix
option. This repeatable option should be set to a list of
inclusion/exclusion patterns, separated with white space and/or commas. Each
inclusion/exclusion pattern is a
-wildcard class name mask, prefixed
with +
and -
for inclusion and exclusion,
respectively. It is legal to omit a prefix, in which case the inclusion
prefix, +
, is implied.
It is also possible to specify a list of
inclusion/exclusion patterns to be loaded from an external file. To do so, you can set
the option value to point to an @
-prefixed file name. The file
should contain a list of inclusion/exclusion patterns, one per line (empty
lines and lines starting with a “#
” are ignored).
Note that all these different ways of specifying instrumentation filters can be used in a combination. The result is a union of all specified patterns. The following examples all specify the same set of inclusion/exclusion patterns:
>java emma ... -ix*,*,*Test* ...
>java emma ... -ix* -ix*,*Test* ...
>java emma ... -ix*Test* -ix @myfilters.txt ...where
file contains these lines:**
All EMMA tasks and subtasks have a set of common attributes and nested elements:
Table 2.3. Common EMMA ANT task attributes
Attribute | Description | Required |
enabled | If set to false , disables the
corresponding EMMA ANT task or subtask. This can be used
to effect a simple form of build control flow (default:
true ). | No (everything is enabled by default) |
verbosity | Sets the verbosity level for a given task or an
entire <emma> group of tasks. Valid values in the
order of increasing verbosity are:
info ). | No (defaults to info ) |
properties | This option specifies a pathname for an EMMA
property override file, in the standard
java.util.Properties format.
See Chapter 3, EMMA Property Reference for more information on
setting EMMA properties. | No |
Table 2.4. Common EMMA ANT task nested elements
Element | Description | Required |
<property> | This nested element sets a single EMMA property. It is
the ANT equivalent of -D
command line option and is provided mostly for internal
testing (EMMA ANT tasks provide proper attributes and
nested elements for all public tool settings). See Chapter 3, EMMA Property Reference
for more information on setting EMMA properties. | No |
nested element. This nested element can be used to set a generic EMMA
property as a name-value pair using the following attributes:
Attribute | Description | Required |
name | Property name (without
“emma. ” prefix). | Yes |
value | Property value. | Yes |
All EMMA command line tools have a set of common options:
format. The
pathname could be either relative (in which case it is resolved relative to the JVM's
current working directory) or absolute. See Chapter 3, EMMA Property Reference for more
information on setting EMMA properties.-D
option (the
is not
”-prefixed). See Chapter 3, EMMA Property Reference
for more information on EMMA properties.main()
entry methods, EMMA command line tools do not terminate via
default. If desired for shell and makefile integration,
this can be changed by using this option on the command
line. The Diagnostics section on every
tool's reference page details the error codes the tool returns to
the operating system.System.out
. The
longer form of the option results in slightly more detailed
usage printout.[2] Usually, <emmajava>
(emmarun) runs correspond to
completely independent application/testsuite runs. However, its
option could be used to retain coverage
session data files across different runs, to be processed later
by tools like <report>/report and <merge>/merge.
[3] ZIP file format does not allow incremental updates. For every class archive in the instrumentation path, to replace the selected entries with their instrumented version EMMA has to create a temporary archive that eventually replaces the original. This implies that all zip entries not being instrumented must be copied from one archive file to the other.
[4] Strictly speaking, Java interfaces can contain executable bytecode, but it usually corresponds to field initializer expressions that execute unconditionally when the interface is loaded.
Table of Contents
The behavior of EMMA tools and runtime is influenced by a number of EMMA properties (see Section 2, “EMMA property summary” for the full list). These properties address several needs:
Given an EMMA property
the tables in Section 2, “EMMA property summary”), it can be specified in several different ways:
defined in an external
defined in a java.util.Properties
classloader resource;<property>
or command
line (-D
) property override.emma.
” in order to be in EMMA namespace.
The following shows different ways of overriding the default
coverage session dump file pathname from ANT or command line. Using
or properties
ANT is convenient when you want to load a large block of EMMA
property settings without keeping them in your makefile or
From ANT:
<emmajava enabled="${emma.enabled}" libclasspathref="emma.lib" dumpsessiondata="yes" properties="" classname="Main" classpathref="run.classpath" />where file
to some mydir/myfile
From command line:
>java emmarun -Dsession.out.file=mydir/myfile ... >java emmarun -properties ... >java -cp {directory containing} emmarun ... >java -Demma.session.out.file=mydir/myfile emmarun ... >java emmarun ...where file
to some mydir/myfile
EMMA property lookup order. Because of multiple ways to specify the same EMMA property, it is necessary to document the exact property lookup mechanism in order to disambiguate potential conflicts. The following lists all possible property lookup layers, in the order from the least specific to the most specific (in other words, later definitions override earlier definitions):
start out with their default values reflecting Java built-in system properties
like file.encoding
. Other properties have their
defaults set in EMMA
file whose
pathname is the value of the JVM system property
EMMA properties in such a file are not
prefixed with “emma.
using the usual
format (without the
” prefix). The resource is
looked up first in the most specific of the {current, thread
context} pair of classloaders. If neither one is more specific,
the lookup is done in the current classloader. If the
system classloader is more specific than either the current or
the context classloader, then the system classloader is
file whose
pathname is the value of a properties
task attribute or a -properties
command line option. EMMA properties in such a file are
not prefixed with “emma.
ANT task nested element
(<property name='name
' value='value
or a -D
EMMA command line option
(Without the
” prefix: don't confuse
this with JVM system properties.) Note
that in the <report>
task case this mechanism is largely redundant,
because all report generation properties have dedicated ANT task
attributes.Property shortcuts. In the special case of report generation properties
) there is one additional complication. Any
property name that follows the
is actually a report property shortcut in the
sense that is applies to all report types (plain text, HTML, XML). For
some aspects of report generation (e.g., name
) this is very
appropriate, but for others (e.g., report.out.encoding
) you are likely to want report
type-specific settings. To do so, you can specify a
property. For example, report_type
more specific than report.out.encoding
as far as
the plain-text report generator is concerned. Note that the
ANT task makes this more convenient that
the command line case, because it provides convenience override attributes on all
nested <txt>
, <html>
etc elements.
Table 3.1. EMMA file output properties
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
Table 3.2. EMMA report generation properties
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
Table 3.3. EMMA instrumentation properties
Table 3.4. EMMA logging properties
Coverage metric whereby every source line is given a coverage percentage. EMMA derives line coverage from basic block coverage. The details of this computation are published elsewhere.
A single invocation of the instr command line tool or the <instr> ANT task.
A set of Java .class
definitions that are
included in an EMMA report. Note that this set is usually smaller
than any set of files input into an EMMA tool because not all input
classes are executable and users can do additional filtering.
A set of binary Java class descriptors that record details of class structure like the number of methods in a class, their name and basic block structure. As long as the original classes are not recompiled, the same metadata can be used for any number of coverage profiling runs. See also Class coverage metadata..
A set of binary Java class descriptors that reflect a particular coverage profiling run (which method and basic blocks were hit for which class, etc). As long as they correspond to the same metadata, several such data sets can be merged together.
A combination of metadata and runtime coverage data, usually obtained during an on-the-fly application session or as a result of using <merge>/merge processor. When this combination is consistent (the runtime data corresponds to the classes in the metadata), it is sufficient for a coverage report to be produced.
See repeatable option.
An ANT task nested element or a command line option that could be used multiple times within a given tool invocation, with the resulting property value being a union of all provided inputs (with duplicates removed, if that makes sense for a given property). In most cases, an individual input value can also be a comma-separated list of values.